
Our School

Bangabandhu is a Tower Hamlets Community Primary School for children aged three to eleven.

As an inclusive school, our intake is diverse, reflecting the local community.

There are two classes in each year group from Reception to Year Six; with a Nursery, providing 15 hour places and 30 hour working parent places, when requested and eligible. We have a Local Authority Resourced Special Educational Needs Provision for 15 children with Complex Needs.

Bangabandhu opened in January 1989, moving into permanent premises in November 1991. Our Governors at the time chose the school name, which means ‘Friend of Bengal’. It is the honorary title given to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who helped found Bangladesh in 1971.

We are a very well-resourced school with extensive playground facilities, a computer suite which accommodates classes of 30, a library, two halls and many group rooms which facilitates small group working.

We are part of an established and productive soft federation with another local Bethnal Green school, Globe Primary School. 

We have been recognised as a Gold Rights Respecting School. 

Here is our Welcome to Bangabandhu Information Booklet for Parents.