
Home Learning & Holiday projects

At Bangabandhu we call homework ‘home learning’.


As a parent or carer you play a vital role in your child’s education, including their home learning.

Learning at home is an essential part of a good education. Regular home learning is important as it gives pupils the opportunity to practise at home the tasks done in class and helps the children work towards improving important skills.

It also encourages children to become confident and independent in their learning, which will help throughout their time at school and later, in adult life. Home learning activities are an important part of our home/school partnership. All children are expected to take part in the variety of home learning tasks set.


Click here for the KS1 Home Learning Guide for Parents.

Click here for the KS2 Home Learning Guide for Parents.

This is how home learning works at Bangabandhu.


We expect children to read every day.  Reading is vital to becoming a good learner.  

From Nursery onward children bring books home to share with parents.  When children are in Reception, they will start to bring home a ’reading book’ (a Read, Write, Inc book), short books with a few words and they will work through the different stages of these reading books as their reading skills develop.  This continues throughout the school. In addition to this the children also bring home a book that is beyond their reading skills so that parents can read to them and share these quality books. 

As children continue to get older they should read for at least 20 minutes each night.  Reading aloud with an adult is important throughout the primary years. Even if your child is a fluent reader, having a discussion about the story (for example, the characters’ personalities and actions, the ‘wow words’ used by the author) is a valuable way to develop reading skills.

Number Facts 

For children in Year 1 to Year 6, learning their addition facts to 20 and practising times tables is extremely important. By the end of Year 4, children should have a rapid recall of times tables facts up to the 12 times tables. 

They must be able to say the division facts too e.g. 7×8=56 and therefore also 56÷7=8. ‘Rapid recall’ should be within around five seconds. They should not have to count through the tables facts to get there or use their fingers!  At Bangabandhu we call these facts ‘learn its’ because you just have to learn them!

Maths Activities


 These are online activities on the website  They are set for children in Year 1 to Year 6 each week.  The online Maths activities are given to consolidate the Maths learning that has been happening in class that week.  Children also get the opportunity to practice and develop their skills and knowledge through games on this website and compete against other children all over the world. Children receive a login and this login is sent home to parents so that you can support and keep track of their home learning. 

A Practical Guide for Parents on How to Use Mathletics


From Year 1 onward children are given a set of words to learn to spell each week.  Learning the spellings for just a short time each day is more effective than leaving it all to the last minute. 

These are words which the children have been learning in spelling lessons during the previous week.  Spending time on these at home will ensure that children know them really well.  The children do a spelling test each week so that we can keep check on their progress.

'Extras' on dB Primary (our online classroom)

 For any parents who want to do extra home learning, we have provided English, maths and science lessons and activities on our online classroom (dB Primary).   Below you will see what this looks like.  These lessons are changed every half term. 

'Stars' on dB Primary (our online classroom)

 Each teacher selects 4 'star' children and gives them some individualised home learning tasks to support their progress.  These tasks are to be found on the Star Home Learning Page on dB Primary, our online classroom.

A Weekly General Knowledge Quiz

Each week, children in Y3, Y4, Y5 & Y6 have a weekly general knowledge quiz that they do as a home learning task.  This is to help our children be curious and broaden their knowledge and understanding of the world.  If children don't know the answer we encourage them to find out by asking others or search for the answer in books or online.  Everyone has a school laptop at home to use.  Quizzing is fun so get quizzing everyone, there is lots to learn!

Follow this link to the KS2 General Knowledge Quiz page.

Holiday Home Learning Projects

We also give out holiday projects for children to complete during holiday periods, usually something creative.  These will vary across the year.

October 2020 Half Term Project - Black History and Black Lives

October 2020 Reception Half Term Project - Halloween

February 2021 EYFS Half Term Holiday Homework

February 2021 Half Term World Book Day Challenge - Potato Characters

May 2021 Spring Holiday Homework - Connecting with Nature!  

Summer 2021 Holiday Project

October 2021 Half Term Project 

Christmas Holiday 2021 Home Learning Project

February 2022 Half Term Holiday Holiday Home Learning Project

Easter Holiday 2022 Home Learning Project 

May Half Term 2022 Home Learning Project 

October Half Term 2022 Home Learning Project 

Early Years October Half Term 2022 Home Learning Project

February Half Term 2023 Holiday Home Learning Project - Y1 to Y6

February Half Term 2023 Holiday Home Learning Project - Early Years

Easter 2023 Holiday Home Learning Project - Y1 to Y6

Easter 2023 Holiday Home Learning Project - Early Years

Easter 2023 Holiday Home Learning Project - Henri Matisse Class - Complex Needs Provision

December 2023 - School Logo Redesign

Easter 2024 Holiday Home Learning Project - Y1 to Y6