

Performance Data and Ofsted


Schools are regularly inspected by Ofsted which is the Office for Standards in Education. Our most recent inspection was in March 2017. We were graded as Good overall.

You can download a copy of the Ofsted Report.

A Guide to Ofsted School Inspections for Parents.

Information for Parents: 2018 National Curriculum Results at the end of Key Stage 2.

End of Key Stage 2 Assessment Outcomes 2024

School - Working At Expectations

National Average - Working At Expectations  

School - Working

Above Expectations 

National - Working

Above Expectations

Reading  95% 74% 39% 28%
Writing 78% 72% 7% 13%

Grammar, Punctuation 

& Spelling

95% 73% 57% 32%
Maths 95% 72% 48% 24%

Combined Reading, 

Writing & Maths 

77% 61% 2% 11%

Department for Education (DfE) Performance Tables

These tables are produced each year for every school in England.  They are a measure of a school’s performance and you will see from the tables that Bangabandhu is performing very well.

They also give information about our school characteristics, our workforce and our finance.  

Click here to view the DfE Performance Tables.

Ofsted’s Data Dashboard

Ofsted’s Data Dashboard provides a snapshot of performance in a school and there is a link to our dashboard below. The dashboard can be used by governors and by members of the public to check performance of the school in which they are interested.

The Data Dashboard complements the Ofsted inspection report by providing an analysis of performance over a three-year period and comparisons to other schools.  This data is used by our governors to generate key questions to support and challenge the leadership team of our school.

Click here to view Ofsted's Data Dashboard.